Dollars or Euros?

WHY are you giving this away for free, Bradley?

YOU: Wait a minute here. This is seriously free?

ME: Yes.

YOU: Why would you do that?

ME: I'm looking for success stories, testimonials, case studies that I can share to further promote the program.

YOU: So it won't be free forever?

ME: Nope.

YOU: Seriously, what do you want from me?

ME: I want your success story. I want you to succeed.

YOU: Why is that so important?

ME: For one, I believe in this program with all of my heart and I know if you do it, it will alter the trajectory of your future. But also, because YOU telling your story is more powerful to a future participant in the course than ME telling YOUR story.

YOU: Do I have to share my story with you to get the program for free?

ME: No, but it would be great if you did. Take your time, do the program, finish it, and get back to me.

YOU: Maybe it is my lucky day.

ME: Maybe it's mine, too.

"I have another question, Bradley."

YOU: Hey there. Me again. Can I ask another question?

ME: Sure thing.

YOU: So I'm reading your page here and I can't tell if I'm writing (and even publishing?) a book or it's some self-help, motivational, personal development program. Which is it?

ME: Good question. I get this a lot.

YOU: So ... ?

ME: It's both.

YOU: Did you ever see the movie Philadelphia? Denzel Washington asks the guy, "So, explain it to me like I'm an 8-year old." Could you do that for me?

ME: My pleasure. ONE Word: I'm going to help you discover a single word that will be your guiding light for the coming year..

YOU: Like a mantra? Or a New Year's Resolution?

ME: Yes, exactly.

YOU: OK, that doesn't sound so hard. But why don't I just write it on a napkin or get it tattooed on my shoulder?

ME: Ooh, great questions. It's like you're reading my mind. ;-) ONE Book. So the napkin is a great start (billion-dollar companies have started with a note on a napkin) but the problem with the napkin is that you'll probably throw it away.

YOU: OK, I get it. What about the tattoo?

ME: This word is meant for your coming year, not your whole life. The tagline of my Repossible brand is, "Who Will You Be Next?" It's not "Who Will You Be For the Rest of Your Life." I believe we can change ourselves, even just a little, on a regular basis--when we solidify or empower that change.

YOU: So, how do we empower that change?

ME: The book is somewhere between a napkin (temporary) and a tattoo (permanent). I chose a book because I know everything about how to write, format, and publish (and market) them and I have all of the tools to show you how to do it easily and even for free. The ONE Word is your mantra for ONE Year.

YOU: Hold on a second here. This book sounds rather personal, like it's just for me. I'm going to publish it to the world?

ME: No, you're going to print it so that you can hold it in your hands. It makes it more real. See how that's in between the napkin and the tattoo?

YOU: I'm no mathematician but a ONE-word book isn't going to really be much of a printed book.

ME: You're perceptive! It's like you know me. There are 12 elements of the book (which I will walk you through) to get your book to a number of pages so we can print it. HINT: it's going to be more than just that one word.

YOU: OK, I'm good for now. I might have more questions as I scroll down this page.

ME: Just like in this program, I've got your back. Remember, if you succeed with your book, I succeed with the ONE program.

"Game Changer"

"Future Self"

"Easy, step-by-step instructions"

What You'll Gain from the Workshop

ONE Book

Discover Your One Word

You'll uncover the ONE word that will become your guiding star. Whether it's "Connection" or "Love" or another powerful word, you'll leave with a clear focus that will inspire and motivate you throughout the year.

Create Your ONE-Word Book

Take your ONE word beyond just a thought. During the workshop, you'll start--and finish-- a micro-book centered on your ONE word. Our guided template includes a cover, title, subtitle, and more to personalize your book. By the end of the day, you will have a real paperback book ordered and on its way to you – a tangible reminder of your focus and commitment.

Have a Fun Day Out

Join a group of like-minded individuals in a vibrant and supportive environment. Bradley, your expert guide and coach, will lead you through the day, ensuring it's filled with fun, laughter, and profound insights. You'll leave not only with a renewed sense of purpose but also with new friends and a memorable experience.

Why Choose Bradley's One Word Workshop?

  • Expert Guidance: Benefit from Bradley’s years of coaching experience and his unique ability to help individuals find clarity and purpose.
  • Interactive Exercises: Engage in activities designed to unlock your inner thoughts and bring your one word to the forefront.
  • Customized Book: Walk away with a professionally printed book that embodies your focus for the year.
  • Supportive Community: Connect with others on the same journey and build a network of support and inspiration.

Join Us for a Day That Will Probably Change Your Life

  • Date: July 20, 2024
  • Location: Driebergen (easy train or parking)
  • Time: 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM
  • Investment: €97

(Want an in-person retreat? Contact Bradley directly to organize a place and date.)

Spaces are limited (10) to ensure a personalized experience for each participant. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to start your year with clarity and purpose.

Ready to Discover Your One Word?

Click the button below to secure your spot in the ONE Retreat and take the first step towards a focused and fulfilling year!

The DIY, ONE Day Retreat Online

Dollars or Euros

"Hey, me again, Bradley."

YOU: You still there?

ME: Mais bien sûr!

YOU: You speak French?

ME: Yes.

YOU: That wasn't my question.

ME: I figured that. Go ahead!

YOU: So is this an online, do-it-yourself course or an online, group thing, or an in-person retreat?

ME: It's an online, DIY course. Occasionally, I host in-person retreats or online groups.

YOU: Why do you do it in person?

ME: Some of the feedback I've had is that people want the accountability of a group and a fixed timeframe to get it done. The group inspires each other and the ONE day timeframe means we're going to get it DONE.

YOU: I like how ONE and DONE rhyme. But what if I live in New Zealand?

ME: Do you live in New Zealand?

YOU: Probably.

ME: If you gather up a group of at least 5 people, I will happily host an online group retreat. We can do it over two days, about 4 hours each day.

YOU: Awesome, thanks, Bradley.

ME: I have a feeling we'll be talking further down this page again.

YOU: Probably.

"Game Changer"

"Future Self"

"Easy, step-by-step instructions"

One Explanation

Here's the deal.

We'll discover your One Word that will guide you for One Year.

We'll get it done in One Day.

Cover Reveals!

These books were created in the ONE Retreat. In ONE day.


We're not doing tax preparation.

We're creating your future.

If we don't have fun, we're not going to get it done.


We're also not playing Monopoly all day.

We're getting your ONE word clear.

Then we're creating ONE book around it.


By the afternoon, you have your ONE word for the coming year and within a week you'll have ONE hardcover book in your ONE hand.

Real Books by Real People

Some people take two hours, some people take two weeks.

We want you to get your ONE book DONE so you can say you WON and had some FUN.


Spencer Waldron is busy with his "real" book, the "big" and "important" one.

But first: his one-word book that's going to make that big book easier.

Susan de Vriend

Susan de Vriend first thought her word was "Connection" but then "Connect" came in stronger--and led her to set up a new program and quickly get four new clients!

Your One Word

Can you imagine your book here? Your One Word?

"Yeah, hi. Guess who?"

YOU: Quick question.

ME: Shoot.

YOU: I'm seeing paperback and even hardcover books on your page here. Are those free, too?

ME: No. Glad you brought this up.

YOU: So how does that work?

ME: I'm going to be showing you everything you need to write, format (for eBook and paperback and even hardcover), and print your book. I'll even show you how to make an eReader-friendly format so you can have your own book on your eReader (or on your phone).

YOU: Can't I just make a PDF and print that? Or do it in a Google Doc or Word? Or email it to myself? Or to my aunt Gertrude?

ME: Of course. However, we're heading towards the direction of the napkin again: something you won't "value" as much as a paperback or gorgeous hardcover book in your hands--that YOU wrote and had printed.

YOU: Got it. So the paperback and hardcover, those will cost me money to print and ship?

ME: Yes.

YOU: Do I need to print 500 of them?

ME: No, you can print just one if you'd like.

YOU: What's that going to cost me?

ME: Remember, I've written and published 39 books and I know all of the tricks of the trade and how to format, print, and publish books. I know which printers to use, can help with country-specific shipping, and costs.

YOU: Give me a number. Rough. For one book.

ME: $10 + shipping.

YOU: Seriously? That's it?

ME: More or less. Depends on paper quality, number of pages, which company we use, etc. But yes, you don't have to do an old-fashioned print run and have boxes of books in your garage.

YOU: I don't even have a garage.

ME: All the more reason to print just ONE.

YOU: Why do you do this?

ME: There's a saying in the teaching or entrepreneur world. Something like, "What's easy for you might be difficult for someone else. Teach that." I know so much about books and publishing and I LOVE when something that I researched for years can save you time and money and hassle and headache.

YOU: ❤️

Your Book

A tiny book to get you started.
The first step.
We'll get it done in One day.

In a nutshell:

I'm going to show you everything you need to write a tiny, crazy-short, micro book, complete with a title, subtitle, and a cover, and you can get it done in one day.


The biggest challenges my clients come to me with is "How do I get unstuck."

After years of coaching, dozens of awesome programs, and boatloads of books, the ONE Word Challenge is my answer to the question:

"How do I get unstuck?"

Your One-Word Mantra

in One Minute

What if, on your desk or in your hands, you had a one-word mantra that you could pick up and get clarity?

Not written by some guru. Not bought at the museum gift shop.

But written by you. For you.


Colleen Fehr got her one word, wrote her book, created her cover, and ordered the paperback on a Sunday.

One Day. One Book. One Word.


This one is still being worked on but I got a hold of the cover design. To be continued ...


What are you waiting for?

If you need some things to wait for, here's a list:

-- Retirement
-- Empty nest
-- Holiday
-- Seaside writing retreat

Online or In-Person?

$27 or $97 (UPDATE: If you'd like to organize a small group of people in person, contact Bradley directly.)

Dollars or Euros

This is My One-Word Book

What will yours be?

You can download and read my one-word book here: Focus.

Een Uitleg

(in Dutch!)

Fun Fact: I was born in the US but now live in The Netherlands. I speak fluent Dutch. I can also do group programs in Dutch.

Het heel verhaal hieronder.

Leuk, hé?

"So ... last question."

YOU: Last one. Pinky swear.

ME: I got you.

YOU: I've gone through this entire page and part of me just doesn't get it--or get you.

ME: Uh, what don't you get?

YOU: Seriously, no, really, why are you doing this?

ME: OK, I'll come clean.

YOU: Should I get popcorn?

ME: Probably.

YOU: Spill it.

ME: OK, there are several layers of why I'm really doing this.

YOU: Is this going to be heavy and serious?

ME: Maybe a little at first.

YOU: I'm buckled in. Ready for the ride.

ME: So, in 2012 ...

YOU: Uh, we're on a landing page here, is this going to be a full-length novel?

ME: I'll give you the Blinkist version. In 2012, a guy named John Muldoon invited me to join a 30-day experiment to write every single day. I did it.

YOU: That doesn't sound all that hard.

ME: In reality, it's not that hard. It's just that I wasn't writing (or creating) anything before that--although I wanted to. So those 30 days, and this is going to sound cliché, transformed me.

YOU: What do you mean by transformed?

ME: Prior to those 30 days, I just thought I wasn't the type of person who did that type of thing. I thought that was other people. I wanted to be that type of person, someone who "created" stuff, but it was more of a pipe dream, a long-off, when I retire and move to Florida type dream.

YOU: Why did John Muldoon play such an important role?

ME: So I knew I wanted to be the type of person who did that type of thing but I didn't really know how and I wasn't making it happen alone.

YOU: But if you knew what to do and even knew what type of person you wanted to be, why weren't you making it happen?

ME: I was waiting for an invitation.

YOU: So John sent you a card?

ME: He invited me to be the person I knew I wanted to be. He gave me a roadmap that showed me what to do (write every day) and a timeline (30 days), and a system (his group's accountability).

YOU: But you did the writing, right?

ME: Absolutely. He was the catalyst or the trigger. He was the invitation for me to do something I knew I wanted to do.

YOU: OK, cool. So now?

ME: You're sharp, tell me what he did for me and what I want to do for you.

YOU: You want to be my invitation.

ME: Yes. An invitation to what?

YOU: To become that person I know I want to be ... but maybe haven't had the nerve or guts or roadmap or time or daring or ... to actually do it.

ME: Exactly.

YOU: So that's the reason behind the ONE Word program?

ME: I want to invite you to become your future self now.

YOU: OK, that's kinda deep.

ME: It is.

YOU: But you say you're a fun guy and this ONE thing is going to be kinda fun, right? Light?

ME: It is.

YOU: How am I supposed to do this serious, heavy thing if I'm laughing and joking and basically not taking it seriously?

ME: That's actually the magic to this program: when you're light is when you can better tackle the heavy stuff, the real stuff. When you're light, you can see the person you strive to be without the baggage of the past.

YOU: And all this for $27?

ME: You'll soon see, the $27 is nothing compared to the clarity, courage, and confidence you'll have for your upcoming year. Oh yeah, and $10 or so for your printed book.
YOU: So you're going to change my life for $27?

ME: I'm not going to do anything other than invite you to change. But I'm not talking about changing your life--yet--I'm talking about changing ONE day, today, but accepting my invitation to change ONE year of your life by writing a ONE-word book in ONE day.

YOU: Do you have a coupon code for me?

ME: Seriously?

YOU: It doesn't hurt to ask ...


YOU: Yeah, I mean, why not ask, right?

ME: Yeah, that's the code: SERIOUSLY.

YOU: You think you're funny, don't you?

ME: Probably.

YOU: ❤️

ME: ❤️

Online As Soon As You're Ready

Dollars or Euros